A lot of talks surrounding flex-fuel vehicles have been happening all over the automobile industry. Today, many flex-fuel vehicles exist, operating steadily and boasting numerous benefits.
Flex fuel, also known as flexible fuel, refers to an alternative fuel made using a combination of gasoline, methanol, or ethanol. The vehicles using these fuels comprise internal combustion engines, created to run on more than one type of fuel. Besides a few engine and fuel system modifications, these vehicles are virtually identical to the regular gasoline models.
Flexible-fuel technology might sound like an alien term to a few of you. However, it is not so new. The first development related to this technology took place in the early 1990s. In 1994, Ford Taurus used it in its mass production. By 2017, there were millions of flexible fuel vehicles all over the roads.
The popularity of flex-fuel vehicles is increasing for the right reasons. Here are the benefits of flex-fuel over other alternatives.
A Sought-After Alternative for the Environment
Smoke and waste from vehicles are one of the primary reasons for increasing air pollution. The environment is degrading with such enormous fuel consumption.
Ethanol burns cleaner than gasoline, thus making flex-fuel cars pump fewer toxic fumes into the environment than others. This fuel doesn’t have a major contribution to greenhouse gases. All these factors make flex-fuel vehicles an environmentally friendly option over others.
The Tendency to Burn
One of the best advantages of flex-fuel is its burning facility. It can burn whatever proportion of fuel mixture it has in the combustion chamber.
The vehicle is also equipped with electronic sensors and fuel sensors such as Haltech Flex Fuel Sensor that helps to gauge the blend of fuels. Their microprocessors further adjust the fuel injection and timing. This sensor reports ethanol concentration to the Elite ECU using a digitalized frequency.
Full of Advanced Technology
When it comes to technology, flex-fuel vehicles have the upper hand over the others. The new-age flex-fuel vehicles are designed using advanced technology like electronic sensors. Their technological specifications help your car adjust the way it is operated, including the detection of fuel blends and making other useful adjustments.
Cars equipped with flex-fuel contain 10 to 85 percent of ethanol. Owing to this technology, your vehicle will determine the most efficient proportions.
Ensuring Sustainability
Many flex-fuel vehicles run on ethanol. It is a sustainably produced fuel from ingredients like corn and cane sugar. It makes ethanol a good alternative to purchasing foreign oil. The fuel doesn’t exhaust or become a fossil.
An Improved Performance
Many people claim that using an alternative fuel source may negatively impact the performance of their vehicle. However, it is just a myth. A flex-fuel promises an improved and more efficient performance over others.
Consumers who drive these cars also receive tax credits that significantly reduce or even eliminate their tax obligation. Flex fuel vehicles do not undergo a loss in performance. Some of them even generate increased horsepower and torque.
It is not wrong to say that flex fuel is the future of the automobile industry. You could be driving a flex-fuel vehicle already and not even know it.
These vehicles look no different than others. However, there are a few signs you must be considerate about while buying them. For instance, manufacturers put yellow gas caps on flex-fuel vehicles. You will also spot a yellow ring on them where you insert the fuel nozzle. Other vehicles include labels on the fuel doors indicating they take flex fuels.
If you own a flex-fuel vehicle, you can switch to an alternative fuel source without purchasing a new car altogether.