When discussing driver safety or safe road use, we often hear “blind spots“. Many people talk about blind spots for drivers, but few know what it means.
Blind spots are areas or zones on the road that are outside of the driver’s vision. It’s a zone that can’t be seen through the windscreen or using the rear-view and sides-view mirrors. This area is also hidden by the vehicle’s structural elements. Blind spots are large enough to block out a car, motorcycle, cyclist or pedestrian.
This does not mean you cannot see vehicles in blind spots. They can’t just be seen by using mirrors. Before you perform any driving maneuver, do a head check by turning your neck and head to look to your left or right.
Blind spots are present in all vehicles, including cars, trucks, planes, trains and bikes. Blind spots can create dangerous situations when a vehicle is turning or changing lanes.
Blind spots are dangerous. How can they be eliminated?
Arrangements Of Mirrors
Correct mirror adjustments are the first line of defense in preventing blind spots. The rear view mirror in the car, the outside right rearview mirror and the outside left rearview mirror are usually three. You need to adjust all three to get the best peripheral vision while sitting in the driver’s position. When adjusting mirrors, it is common to create overlaps in the visual field. Adjust all three mirrors to ensure that their fields of vision do not overlap, but are perfectly adjacent. You will get the largest field of vision from one side towards the other.
How to:
- The rear view mirror in the cabin should be adjusted to frame the rear window.
- Rest your head on the right front window while in the driver’s chair. Adjust the right rearview mirror to only show a small portion of the car’s left side.
- Adjust the left rearview mirror to only show a small portion of the car’s left side.
The blind spot can be reduced by properly adjusted mirrors, but it may not be eliminated entirely depending on your vehicle’s size and shape.
Use Turn Indicators
In general, there are two blind spots on the right and left side of a vehicle. Turn indicators are therefore essential. The turn indicators do not eliminate blindspots, but they reduce the risks associated with them. Turning on your turn indicator to make a lane change or turn alerts the vehicles either side of you about your intentions. It allows the vehicles on either side of your car to be aware of your intentions and slow down. They can honk or flash their lights if they are unable to do so.
Look Over Your Shoulder
It may seem counter-intuitive but looking backwards before changing lanes or turning off is one of the best ways to avoid blind spots. This requires that you temporarily take your eyes from the road. It must be done with extreme care. Start by indicating your intention using the turn indicator. Make sure you have enough space between your vehicle and the one in front. Keep your steering steady so you don’t accidentally veer off your lane. Quickly glance over your left shoulder to see the direction in which your car should move. After checking your blind spot to ensure it is unoccupied, you should move in the direction indicated by your turn indicator.
You can adjust your outside rearview mirrors from your seat, if your car is equipped with power-adjustable ones, like most Ford cars. This will give you a wider field of vision. It eliminates the necessity to look behind you. Ford’s cars are equipped with the latest technology and safety equipment. Parallel parking and reversing is safer and easier in a Ford.
Be Aware Of Other Vehicles Blind Spot
You must also be aware of the blind spots of other cars as a responsible motorist. Always drive defensively. Don’t stay in the blind spot of another vehicle, especially if it is signaling a turn with its indicators. You cannot be seen if you are in the blind spot of another vehicle. Flash your lights or smack the horn if you believe a vehicle is about to veer into your path.
Blind spots will always be present, but you can minimize the risk associated with them by being cautious, diligent and defensive when driving.